What do I need to know to pass my Vic Roads driving test?
No doubt this question is uppermost in your mind. The following information should help demystify the driving test and what is required of you to pass this test.
What tests must I pass to get my licence?
You will need to pass the following tests:
A computerised hazard perception test where you will be required to identify road hazards on videos of simulated driving
An eyesight check
A practical driving test which is 30 to 50 minutes in duration. This includes a “pre-drive”

What will I need to bring?
You will need to bring the following:
Proof of your identity and proof of your current address
Appointment number and/or appointment receipt. (Your instructor will provide this)
A currently registered, roadworthy vehicle in clean condition, maintaining a comfortable temperature and fitted with ‘L’ plates. (All our vehicles comply with requirements)
Payment for your licence
Overseas applicants must also provide proof of their overseas licence, which must be accompanied by English translation, for example, an International Driver Permit. If not, an English translation by a qualified translator is required.

What will I be assessed on?
During your driving test, your testing officer will give you simple, clear instructions such as “At the next street, turn right.” If you are unsure of an instruction, you may ask for it to be repeated.’
Your driving test will be marked as follows:
YES when you do something correctly
NO when you do not do something correctly
N/A if road or traffic conditions mean you cannot perform the expected
Your driving skills will be assessed against a performance checklist for which you must get a YES for at least 80% to pass the test and obtain your licence. The performance list is as follows:
1. Pre-Drive Check
You must know where these controls are and how to use them:
* If any of these controls are not in proper working order, the test cannot proceed.
You must be able to turn on the engine.
2. Driving In Traffic
During the drive, your testing officer will check that you do the following:
You must check the mirror immediately before signalling and before braking.
You must signal long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians before turning, and for at least 5 seconds if merging into traffic or changing lanes. At roundabouts, you must keep signalling whilst driving in the roundabout. You must cancel your signal immediately after turning or diverging.
Lane Change
Before merging into traffic or changing lanes, you must do a head check by turning your head and looking through the appropriate side window to check for other road users in your blind spots. You must maintain reasonable progress and ensure a safe gap in the traffic.
You must brake smoothly using brakes only or brakes and gears when slowing down or stopping.
Position Stop
You must stop the car within 2 metres of the stop line at a stop sign. You must not stop with the front wheels on or in front of the stop line. If there is no stop line, you must stop as close as practical to, but before the stop sign or intersection.
At intersections, you must slow down, look in the correct direction(s) and react correctly to other vehicles and pedestrians.
When turning, you must drive in the correct lane or position on the road and follow all road markings and traffic lane arrows.
You must travel at a suitable speed for the conditions but not above the speed limit.
Position on the Road
Your car must travel entirely within the lane markings of the correct lane or in the correct lane of traffic.
Car Control
You must control the vehicle correctly using steering, gears and clutch (if fitted), brakes, accelerator and handbrake.
Safety Margin
You must keep an acceptable safety margin (distance) when following other vehicles.
3. Low Speed Manoeuvring
This aspect of the assessment will test your control of the car at low speed including in reverse.
You should not turn the steering wheel while the car is stationary (dry steering).
You will be asked to do one of these low speed manoeuvres during your driving assessment:
Reverse Parallel Parking
You will be required to pull up next to a legally parked vehicle and asked to reverse into the space behind the vehicle.
You must:
Look in the direction of travel before and during reversing
Position your car parallel to the kerb within 300mm and be between 1 and 2 metres from the car in front
Not reverse back further than 7 metres from the vehicle in front
Use no more than 4 and no less than 2 movements to enter the space and no more than 4 to leave
Signal and do a head check before leaving the space
Point Turn
You will be asked to make a three point turn (turn your car around) on a road which is not as wide as your car’s turning circle. You should be able to complete this manoeuvre in three movements:
You must:
Put on your left signal before stopping at the kerb
Position your car parallel to and within 300mm of the kerb before starting the turn
put on your right signal before leaving the kerb
Look in both directions before commencing the turn
Proceed across the road to the opposite kerb
Look in both directions along the road before reversing
Look in the direction of travel before and during reversing
After reversing, look in both directions before moving off
For you to pass the low speed manoeuvre aspect, you should not
Take longer than 2 minutes to complete the manoeuvre
Mount the kerb
Finish positioning your car with the front and/or left wheels more than 1 metre from the kerb
Take more than 5 movements to complete the three point turn
Reverse any part of your car over the centre of the road during the reverse parallel

What are immediate failures?
You will be failed immediately if you do anything deemed illegal or unsafe. For example:
Not stopping at a:
Red traffic control signal
Stop sign and/or stop line
School crossing with the flags or signs displayed when any pedestrian is on the crossing
Position after stopping:
If you stop at a location that placed another road user in a dangerous situation.
Colliding with:
Dangerous actions such as:
Requiring emergency braking or swerving by another driver, or dodging by a pedestrian to prevent
Requiring the instructor or testing officer to come to your aid in controlling the
Driving any wheel over the kerb or onto the footpath
Committing any driving fault which causes immediate danger to any person or property
Lack of control to the point where the testing officer believes continuing the assessment would be dangerous
Improper action causing collision of other vehicles in the immediate
Speed Limits
Driving over the speed limit for more than 5 consecutive seconds from when speeding is verified.
Slow Driving
Driving too slowly without reason continuously for more than 10km/h under the speed limit.
On completion of the test, you will be given a copy of your results. The “Improvement Needed” section will identify your strengths and your weaknesses. This feedback will provide you with the opportunity to further improve your driving skills by concentrating your efforts on those weaker areas.
Information is drawn from a brochure entitled “What you need to know about your licence assessment”, produced by VicRoads. If you
require further information, please visit their website at
Further information is also available at www.DrivingSchoolMelbourne.com and www.DrivingLessonsMelbourne.com.au.
